K8s External Secrets
Developed by godaddy and given back to the community, External Secrets fill the gap between K8s secrets and secure credential storage.
Externals secrets are defined as K8s resources like this:
apiVersion: 'kubernetes-client.io/v1'
kind: ExternalSecret
name: dockerconfigjson
namespace: someorg
backendType: secretsManager
type: kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
- /someorg/dockerconfig_secret
In this case we have contacted AWS Secrets Manager to get the
secret. K8s namespace limit access to resources
in the same namespace.
External secrets works by contacting a credential provider selected by
, eg AWS Secrets Manager and then creates a regular K8s secret
if it can retrieve the value.
This gives transparent access to secrets from K8s while leaving the credential store as the point-of-truth for the secret value.